Phlox cultivars from this page will be presented on the next exhibitions "Mir Floksov". Collections hold Phlox cultivars from the page Exhibits as well.
Cultivar's description : Name (X, XX, XXX)
X – diameter of a flower (cm), XX – clump's height(cm), XXX - blooming time. Name of originator and year of introduction, if it's known.
Pictures by S.Voronina & M.Barbukhatti
Abramcevskoe Kruzhevo Абрамцевское Кружево (4.5, 90, M, Reprev) Interesting coloration, becomes more intensive during blooming period. Large tight flowerheads. Strong stems,healthy plant, expands slowly. | |
Admiral Nelson Адмирал Нельсон (3.2, 65, M, seedling by O.Kudryavceva, 2004) Dense tidy flowerheads. Compact habit of a clump. Strong stems. Expands moderately. | |
Aleksandrit Александрит (4, 70, M-E, Shevljakova)) Very nice coloration: mauve-violet with bluish shadows in twilight. Roundish dense clusters. Healthy, hardy. | |
Alexander Immer Александр Иммер (3, 80, M, Trespe) Purple-crimson flowers in midsized clusters. Vigorous, easy to grow. | |
Anna German Анна Герман(4.5, 80, M, Reprev, 1988) Salmon-pink with a small crimson ring. Very large and tight flowerheads. Nice strong clump.Expands slowly. | |
Anna-Marija Анна-Мария (5,70, M,Khvatova,2005) Pink with a big contrasting cherry-red eye. Very tight clusters. Well-shaped clump. Dense habit of a plant. | |
Bogatyr' Богатырь (4.2, 80, M, Reprev) Deep pink flowers with a velvety crimson eye in large tight clusters. Strong stems, rich foliage. Vigorous, healthy. | |
Bordjurnyi Belyi Бордюрный Белый (3.8, 50-60, M, Krasnova, 1950) Pure white flowers in midsized tight trusses. Dense compact habit of a clump. Expands quickly. | |
Chaika Чайка (4, 80, M, Konstantinova, 2006) Expressive purple eye, light blue shadows on white petals. Big tight oval flowerheads. Healthy, hardy, rich foliage. Expands moderately. | |
Detstvo Детство (4.5, 80, M, Kharchenko) Big star-shaped flowers have nice creamy-pink color. Large flowerheads. Dense habit of a clump. Expands slowly. | |
Dmitrii Shostakovich Дмитрий Шостакович (3.8, 50, E, Zalivskii) Bright purple flowers with a big white center in small flowerheads. Spreading clump, expands quickly. | |
Dyadya Pavlik Дядя Павлик (3.8, 80, M, Gaganov) Deep Purple non-fading flowers, close to violet in twilight. Tight midsized clusters. Dense compact clump. Vigorous. Picture by P.Hanselka. | |
Edalet Эдалет (3.8,80,M,Gaganov,1953) Deep violet, dark blue in twilight. Large flowerheads. Compact clump, strong stems. Vigorous. | |
Emma Эмма (3.5, 60, E) Pale pink wavy petals. Large very tight flowerheads. Dense habit of a clump. Strong stems. Vigorous, healthy and hardy cultivar. | |
Fakel Факел (3.7,120,M,seedling by Y.Markovskii) Brilliant salmon-pink non-fading flowers in large heads. Strong stems, spreading clump. Cultivar is being tested. | |
Fenix Феникс (4, 90, M, seedling by O.Kudryavceva, 2009) Original coloration: big blurred crimson eye, greyish-pink petals. Large flowerheads, strong stems.Seedling is being tested. | |
Fiosin Фиосин (3.8,80,M,Gaganov, 1947) Violet with a big white center, blue in twilight. Midsized flowerheads. Spreading clump.Expands quickly. | |
Fokusnik Фокусник (3.8,80,M,Reprev) Soft lilac, smoke-colored. Tight midsized clusters. Strong stems. Expands moderately. | |
Frant Франт (4,90,С,seedling by O.Kudryavceva, 2006) Bright red. Large brunchy flowerheads. Tolerant to wet, hot, windy weather. Expands quickly. Seedling is being tested. | |
Giokonda Джоконда (5, 100, M-L, Khvatova, 2000) Violet flowers with lighter center. Midsized flowerheads. Strong stems, upright habit of a clump. Expands moderately. | |
Goluboi Dym Голубой Дым (3, 100, M) Bluish-lilac flowers in midsized clusters. Needs to be staked. Healthy, hardy. | |
Konjok-Gorbunok Конек-Горбунок(3.5, 70, M, seedling by Surikiva&N.Konstantinova, 2006) Silvery haze on light lilac petals. Large flowerheads. Compact habit of a clump. Seedling is being tested. | |
Korall Коралл (4, 80, M-L, Gaganov) Bright coral-red non-fading flowers. Large tight conical clusters. Strong stems, upright habit. Not easy to grow. | |
Krasnyi Wiking Красный Викинг (4, 70, M, Reprev, 1979) The cultivar reminds of 'Wiking' in red. Bright colour. Expands slowly. | |
Lyubimec Gaganova Любимец Гаганова (3.8, 75, M, Gaganov) Cherry-red rich color. Velvety petals. Non-fading. Well-shaped clump. Difficult to please. Outstanding cultivar. | |
Lyubov' Orlova Любовь Орлова (4, 75, M, Konstantinova) White-bluish flowers in tight midsized clusters.Dense habit of a clump. Vigorous, healthy, hardy. | |
Lyuks Люкс (4.5, 70, M-L, Reprev, 1986) Purple flowers with a white center. Smart coloration. Large flowerheads. Strong stems, compact clump. | |
Mashunya Машуня (3.7, 70, E, Zaharova) Pink-white striped petals.Midsized clusters. Strong stems. Expands moderately.Some stems may hold pure white, or pink clusters, or not so intensive striped. | |
Matronushka Матронушка (5, 65, M, Khvatova, 2000) Bright smart flowerheads, dense clump. Reliable bloomer, hardy, healthy plant. | |
Michele Mercier Мишель Мерсье (4, 80, M, Shevlyakova) Cherry-purple non-fading petals, nice rich color. Midsized flowerheads. Needs to be staked. Vigorous, healthy. | |
Michurinets Мичуринец (3.7, 70, M,Gaganov, 1946) White flowers with big expressive purple-violet eye. Dense flowerheads. Not easy to grow. | |
Mramornyi Мраморный (4.3, 80, M, Kulikov) Interesting coloration of petals. Large flowerheads. Spreading clump. Vigorous, expands quickly. | |
Nabat Набат (3.8,90,M-L,Konstantinova,1986) Bright red non-fading flowers in large loose trusses. Long blooming period. Needs to be staked. | |
Najada Наяда (3.5, 85, ME, seedling by O.Kudryavceva, 2006) Almost white with light lilac overtines, bluish in twilight. Tolerant to wet, windy or hot weather. Strong stems. Vigorous, expands quickly. Seedling is being tested. | |
Plamya Пламя (4, 80, M, Popov) Crimson-red non-fading flowers in tight midsized clusters. Flowers are not damaged by wet weather. Not easy to grow. Expands slowly. | |
Peterhof Петергоф (3.6, 60, E, Reprev, 1980) Pure white flowers in large trusses. Long blooming period. Compact clump. | |
Radomir Радомир (3.8, 100, M, Reprev) Unique beige-pink color. Large and tight flowerheads. Strong stems, but staking is recommended. Not easy to grow. Very spectacular cultivar. | |
Rechnaja Nimfa Речная Нимфа (3.8, 80, ME, seedling by O.Kudryavceva, 2007) Pinkish-lilac pale shades, purple ring. Large dense pyramidal clusters. Vigorous, healthy. Expands quickly. Seedling is being tested. | |
Rosovaja Hortensija Розовая Гортензия (4, 90, M-L, Markov, 1946) Soft mouve-pink flowers in midsized trusses. Strong stems. Vigorous, healthy, hardy. | |
Rosovyi Rayonnant Розовый Районант (4, 80, M, Gaganow, 1945) Interesting carmine-pink coloration. Large smart flowerheads. Strong stems.Vigotous. Expands moderately. Very attractive cultivar. | |
Sandro Botticelli Сандро Ботичелли (4.8, 75, M, Reprev,1963) Lilac, bluish in twilight. Large well-shaped flowerheads. Strong stems, compact clump. Vigorous, healthy. Expands quickly. | |
Sirenevoe Chudo Сиреневое Чудо (5, 90, M, Gaganov,intr. by Reprev, 1963) Big lilac flowers in large trusses. Strong upright clump. Vigorous, expands quickly. | |
Sumrak Сумрак (3.8, 70,E-M, Gaganov, 1953) Deep purple-violet, smoke-colored. Tight midsized flowerheads. Compact clump. Vigorous, healthy. Expands quickly. | |
Svyatogor Святогор (4, 50, E-M, Gaganov, 1953) Crimson-red non-fading flowers in large loose heads. Strong stems, spreading clump. Expands quickly. | |
Timur Тимур (3.7, 90, M-L, Gaganov, 1956) Bright salmon-pink non-fading flowers in tight midsized trusses. Flowers are not damaged be wet weather. Strong stems, but staking is recommended. Expands moderately. | |
Vechernyja Pesnja Вечерняя Песня (4, 60, M, Gaganov, 1954) Lilac, bluish in twilight. Nice dense flowerheads. Vigorous, hardy. | |
Versailles Версаль (4, 90, M-L) Mat shade of deep pink-lilac color.Midsized tight flowerheads. Flowers are not damaged by wet weather. Upright habit of a clump, rich foliage. Expands quickly, vigorous. | |
Zapoved' Заповедь (3, 70, M-L, Kharchenko) Lilac, bright blue in twilight. Very tight flowerheads. Dense habit of a clump. Not easy to grow. | |
Zefir Зефир (4.2, 70, ME, Konstantinova, 1989) White with pale pink overtones. Fluffy smart flowerheads. Strong dense clumps. Vigorous, healthy, expands quckly. | FOREIGN SELECTIONS |
Apassionata (4.5, 90, M, Foerster,1942) Soft-lilac flowers with carmine eye in large tight trusses. Vigorous. | |
Blauer Morgen (4, 80, E-M, zur Linden, 1997) Mauve-lilac heads, closer to true blue in twilight . Expands quickly. | |
Diabolo (3.2, 70, M) Crimson-red non-fading flowers with small darker eye. Large flowerheads. | |
Eden's Smile (3.5, 70, M, M. Vester, 2000) Lilac-pink, grayish(smoke-colored). Midsized flowerheads, compact clump. | |
Eis und Heiss (4, 70, M-L) White petals with bright crimson strokes. Some clusters may have not so intensive shading . Dense habit of a clump. Vigorous, hardy. | |
Elfe (3.8, 90, M) White petals with light lilac-pink shades in large loose clusters. Strong clump. | |
Ending Blue (3.5,100,M,J.Verschoor,1999) Lilac flowers with lighter center and purple ring. Spreading clump.Long period of blooming. | |
Eva Foerster (4, 80, M, Foerster,1934) Salmon-pink with white center. Tight flowerheads. Fine look of a blooming plant. Dense nice habit of a clump. Difficult to please. Expands slowly. | |
Feuerball (4, 80, M, М.Foerster,1991) Red with contrasting white center. Closer to true red than most others cultivars. Large clusters. Expands slowly. | |
Flamingo (3.7, 80, M, zue Linden, 1971) Pink with small bright crimson eye. Large flowerheads. Dense compact clump, vigorous, healthy. | |
Frau Pauline Schoellhammer (3.8, 80, M, Schoellhammer) Lilac, bluish in twilight. Fading. Tight midsized flowerheads. Vigorous, expands quickly. | |
Graefin von Schwerin (4, 80, M-E) Lilac-blue buds and backside of petals. Tight clusters. Strong stems. Not easy to grow. | |
Koenigin der Nacht (2.5, 120, M-L, zur Linden, 1999) Pale lilac-pink flowers in large tight clusters. Grayish foliage.Vigorous, hardy. | |
Koralle (4, 60, M, Foerster, 1950) Bright orange-pink flowers with white center. Spreading clump, strong stems. | |
Landpartie (3.5,100, M) Pale pink with small ring. Nice tender color.Large not tight flowerheads. Strong stems, upright habit. | |
Madame Dr. Charcot (3.5, 70, M-E) Soft pink-lilac flowers in large clusters. Rather spreading clump. Vigorous, healthy, easy to grow. | |
Mother of Pearl (3, 80, M, Bloom,1954) Wheel-shaped "porcelain" flowers in very tight flowerheads. Compact habit of a clump. Not completely hardy. | |
Mozart (4, 80, M-E, zur Linden, 1999) Interesting coloration of flowers. Strong stems, compact clump. Not completely hardy. | |
Oldenburg (4.2, 80, M, seedling by H.Rieger) Orange-pink bright non-fading flowers in round-shaped clusters. Spreading clump. Vigorous, healthy, expands quickly. | |
Oleander (4, 90-100, M-L) Pink flowers with contrasting cherry-red velvety eye. Midsized flowerheads. Stems and leaves have reddish shade.Upright habit of a clump. Vigorous. | |
Puderquaste (3.7, 90, M-E, Foerster, 1947) Wavy petals in soft pink. Large loose clusters. Strong stems. Expands slowly. | |
Salmon Glow (4.8, 70, M) Salmon-pink with a white center. Very nice color. Non-fading. Large tight flowertrusses. Blooms abundantly. Vigorous, healthy and hardy. | |
Sarastro (3.8, 90, M-L, zur Linden, 1999) Lilac with a contrasting orange-crimson eye. Dense habit of a clump. Not completely hardy. | |
Schneerausch (4, 90, M-L, Foerster, 1947) Bluish buds, bluish shades on white petals.Large rather tight clusters. Flowers are not damaged by wet weather. Vigorous. | |
Sunray (3.7, 90, M-L) Brilliant orange-red flowers with small white center. Fading. Dark strong stems. | |
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